In the end we decided that my teammate Eva will do the problem introduction and Giorgi will go through the application while I present. And by the time I had gotten my head around the fact that I would have to be presenting it was time for our video practice session. Java team went first and their presentation was roughly listing most of the features added to the system. As it turns out this was not the aim of the presentation at all. The aim of the presentation was to show what had changed in the process by adding this application to Helmes's tools. Leonid, the Java team presenter got a lot of feedback and then it was our turn. It went a little better as we did show the value that we created, but we were demonstrating the wrong part of the system. So for both teams it was back to the drawing board.
Helmese reaalses töökeskkonnas hubase Tallinna kontori ruumides ja vahel ka väljaspool ruume toimub perioodil 31.07 - 29.08 noortele ja nutikatele progemishuvilistele 4-nädalane intensiivne, kuid lõbus tarkvaraarenduse treening – Helmes Summer Bootcamp. Ise ütleme, et see on hea võimalus saada kiirelt tarkvaraarenduse tippvormi reaalset IT-projekti arendades.
Helmes Summer Bootcamp 2017
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Day 19
The development of our system is over now. But there is still so many things to add :( Today we had our last sprint demo. Everyone was so confident in our success, that only we only had a few spectators. They were right, ours and Java teams demo was successful.
After the demo we had a video presentation seminar. During this seminar we discussed various ways to make our presentation better and more memorable. Everyone offered their thoughts and tips on what helped them, when giving a presentation and we were able to ask any questions about presenting. After completing this we were tasked with creating our final demo. While previously this final demo had been just a box to tick, this changed when Oliver said that this demo will have crucial impact on how we as a team will be remembered at Helmes. This meant the demo was suddenly very important and this brought a certain level of pressure with it. We didn't even know who would be presenting for our team.
In the end we decided that my teammate Eva will do the problem introduction and Giorgi will go through the application while I present. And by the time I had gotten my head around the fact that I would have to be presenting it was time for our video practice session. Java team went first and their presentation was roughly listing most of the features added to the system. As it turns out this was not the aim of the presentation at all. The aim of the presentation was to show what had changed in the process by adding this application to Helmes's tools. Leonid, the Java team presenter got a lot of feedback and then it was our turn. It went a little better as we did show the value that we created, but we were demonstrating the wrong part of the system. So for both teams it was back to the drawing board.
The next 3-4 hours we rewrote our presentations and reworked our demonstrations. The evening ended with us doing 2-3 practice runs to be ready for Friday mornings final demonstration.
In the end we decided that my teammate Eva will do the problem introduction and Giorgi will go through the application while I present. And by the time I had gotten my head around the fact that I would have to be presenting it was time for our video practice session. Java team went first and their presentation was roughly listing most of the features added to the system. As it turns out this was not the aim of the presentation at all. The aim of the presentation was to show what had changed in the process by adding this application to Helmes's tools. Leonid, the Java team presenter got a lot of feedback and then it was our turn. It went a little better as we did show the value that we created, but we were demonstrating the wrong part of the system. So for both teams it was back to the drawing board.